Denver council limits number of medical-marijuana plants in a residence

Christopher N. Osher
The Denver Post

The Denver City Council, responding to complaints from homeowners, on Monday limited the number of medical-marijuana plants that can be grown in a residence to six per patient, with a limit of 12 per residence.

The council on a 12-1 vote, with Doug Linkhart dissenting, passed the new restriction.

The new rule was pushed by Councilwoman Jeanne Robb, who said the limits were needed to protect residential areas.

She moved for the restrictions after a constituent living in Congress Park complained of a neighbor who had more than 60 medical-marijuana plants.

That constituent, Ed Thompson, 31, told the council that he tried without success to get his neighbor to stop a large-scale, marijuana-grow operation after Thompson’s son was born earlier this year. The neighbor ignored his pleas, and the grow operation continued, attracting a steady stream of visitors.

Read more: Denver council limits number of medical-marijuana plants in a residence – The Denver Post

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