Apply to higher education in Colorado for free beginning Tuesday

This year marks the seventh annual Colorado Free Application Days that begins Tuesday, Oct. 15, and ends Thursday, Oct. 17. During this time, anyone interested in submitting an application to a higher education institution in the state can do so without paying application fees.

The Colorado Free Application Days campaign is an initiative designed to inspire more Coloradans to continue their education by removing a common barrier for many. Until Thursday, Oct. 17, all 32 public colleges and universities in Colorado and several private institutions will be waiving application fees.

By waiving these fees, Colorado Free Application day aims to improve access to education and training for today’s workforce demands.

Susan Zoeckler is a student advisor at Middle Park High School and said that staff at the school are encouraging students to utilize this opportunity.

“At the high school we are encouraging kids to utilize this opportunity, and supporting students as they look to their post high school future and support them in pursuing their dreams and goals,” Zoeckler said.

To learn more about the campaign, visit CDHE.Colorado.Gov/cofreeappdays.

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