Constitution Week returns for 9th year in Grand Lake

Sky-Hi News file photo
Grand Lake’s ninth annual Constitution Week kicks off Monday and concludes with a flyover and keynote speaker on Sept. 19.
While the event will not have its annual fireworks due to a statewide fire ban, or parade because of COVID-19 restrictions, Constitution Week still promises a week of lectures and events based on the US Constitution.
Organizers declined to speak with Sky-Hi News, but this year’s keynote speaker is slated to be John Eastman, a visiting scholar in conservative thought and policy at the University of Colorado Boulder.
Eastman sparked controversy last month following an op-ed he wrote for Newsweek challenging Kamala Harris’ eligibility for vice president, leading to the spread of birtherism conspiracy theories on the vice presidential candidate.
Eastman’s talk is titled “Recalling our Nation’s Constitutional Founding in the Wake of Covid.”
Other speakers include Grand Lake resident Brian Blumenfeld, an adjunct professor of law at the University of Wyoming Law School and lecturer in American studies; Thomas Krannawitter, a constitutional scholar and lecturer; Kim Monson, host of a Colorado-focused conservatarian radio show; and Elizabeth C’de Baca Eastman, senior scholar in residence at CU Boulder’s Center for the Study of Western Civilization, which includes the conservative thought and policy program.
Other events feature an online Constitution Week trivia contest, two performances by the El Jebel Shrine Pipe Band and a flyover from the Peterson Air Force Base.
All speaking engagements will be outside unless inclement weather occurs, admission is free and event flyers say COVID-19 guidelines will be in place.
A full schedule is available at

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