Coroner releases cause of death for bicyclist that died Sunday near Winter Park

Michael McKenny, 65, of Centennial, Colorado, was pronounced dead on Sunday afternoon after suffering from an apparent medical issue while riding his bicycle near Winter Park.
Amy Golden / Sky-Hi News archive photo

The Grand County Coroner identified the man who died while cycling on the Upper Serendipity Traill off Rollins Pass Road as 65 year-old Michael McKenny of Centennial, Colorado. First responders received a call around 3 p.m. about a man having difficulty breathing. 

Grand County Sheriff’s Office, Fraser Winter Park Police Department, Grand County Search and Rescue, Grand County EMS, East Grand Fire Protection District and Medevac all responded. Before emergency crews arrived, bystanders attempted to give McKenny CPR, but despite their efforts and those of paramedics, he died at the scene.

Grand County Coroner Tawnya Bailey stated Wednesday in an email that McKenny’s cause of death was a medical condition involving the heart and that the manner of death is considered natural.

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