Granby Board of Trustees support idea of a winter parade
The Granby Board of Trustees met at Granby Town Hall on Tuesday, Sept. 24. Board members were presented with project updates by SGM Engineering, an update regarding traffic around Granby Elementary, discussion on the town’s liquor license renewal timeline and more.
The Northwest Grand County Chamber put forth the idea of holding a parade of lights in conjunction with Destination Granby’s tree lighting event that takes place Nov. 30. The Granby Board of Trustees found the concept agreeable and directed staff to continue preparation for the event.
In order to host the parade, both Railroad Avenue and Agate Avenue would need to be closed during the length of the parade. According to the memo, the parade would begin around 6:30 p.m. and the route would go east from Zero Street to the Granby Welcome Center. As a result, U.S. Highway 40 would need to be closed for approximately an hour and coordination from other agencies like the Colorado Department of Transportation would be needed.
Detours would be put into place during the event, similar to how the 4th of July parade was conducted. The parade would end at the Granby Welcome Center, where the tree lighting ceremony would then be held.
In other business:
- SGM Engineering updated the board on the water treatment plant project, along with other projects around the town. No action was taken by the board.
- Granby Police Chief Dave Shaffer and East Grand Superintendent Brad Ray gave an update regarding the traffic patterns that were recently implemented around the school areas. Ray explained that there was traffic congestion initially, but that the flow of traffic had improved as time went on. He explained that additional signage had been installed to create a smoother traffic flow. No action was taken by the board.
- There was a discussion regarding adding sidewalks around the Granby Elementary and East Grand Middle School area. A national program that provides funding called “Safe Route to Schools” was presented to the board by Town Manager Ted Cherry. Cherry explained that the application process is lengthy and that town staff would only move forward with the project if the board was interested in applying. The grant cycle takes place during November and awards will be made in late March. The board was presented with the fact that sidewalks require maintenance, such as snow removal and repairs, and that this burden typically falls onto property owners. Cherry explained that gauging community interest would be the first step and asked the board if they were interested in applying for the grant. Board members directed staff to gather input from property owners in the areas, as well as input from parents and students who travel the area.
- An agreement with Executech was approved by the board. Executech provides IT assistance to Granby agencies, including the police department and town hall.
- Ordinance 1009 was approved, which states that when the Grand County Board of County Commissioners adopt fire restrictions or regulations due to increased fire danger, the town of Granby will adopt the same restrictions. Part of the ordinance requires that the town make an effort to notify the public about the fire restrictions.
- Ordinance 1010, which allows for the renewal of liquor licenses for periods of two years, was approved. Previously, Granby liquor licenses had to be renewed on a yearly basis by the town.
- Town staff recommended continuing to hire SGM for engineering services. An SGM representative, Warren Swanson, was present at the meeting and solicited information from the board about what they wanted to hear from the engineering firm. Cherry explained what while town staff interact with SGM engineering often, the board receives less interaction. No action was taken on the item.
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