Granby to launch on-demand transportation service in early February

The Granby Board of Trustees met Tuesday, Jan. 28, at town hall and heard a presentation on the town’s pilot program for an on-demand, shared ride service that will be launching Feb. 6.

The transportation project, called Granby Connect, has been in the works since December. Granby Connect is a microtransit program that offers individuals on-demand transportation anywhere in Granby between Sun Outdoors and Granby Ranch for $2 per ride.

Granby Assistant Town Manager Nicole Schafer explained that the transportation service will connect high-traffic areas like the airport, train depot, Middle Park Health’s Granby campus and City Market to residential areas like Grand Elk, Innsbrook, Silversage, Granby Ranch and Smith Creek.

She also announced that the town has hired five part-time drivers who will be operating two buses for a total of 26 hours per week during the pilot program. The estimated payroll expense for the drivers is $25,000 for the four-month test.

The bus service hours will be from 5-9 p.m. Thursdays, all day Fridays and from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturdays.

“We’re hoping to get enough diagnostic information from these three shifts to understand if this is the right focus, shift days or add days,” Schafer said. “We will be learning as we go.”

The town has budgeted $5,000 for marketing and other supplies such as jackets for drivers and fuel for the buses.

To use the ride service, download the Granby Connect app and follow the instructions.

“It looks very much like requesting an Uber,” Schafer said about the app.

During the four months of operation, the town will be soliciting feedback from users and using this data to inform the project going forward.

In other business:
  • Board members approved the 2025 donor-advised fund grant awards in a 6-1 vote, with Trustee Seth Stern voting against the item.
  • Town engineers gave the board an update regarding various engineering projects. The full update is available online. No action was taken by the board.
  • An update on the Nuche Village workforce housing project was given by the assistant town manager. The update included street names and house numbers. One road was named Sculpin Drive after a small fish that lives in Lake Granby.
  • Trustees Michael Mahoney and Chris Michalowski were selected to assist with a request for proposal process for a trail design, parks master planning update and a recreation feasibility study.

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