Grand County Sheriff’s Office warns community of ongoing fraud scams
The Grand County Sheriff’s Office has obtained multiple reports over the past several days of Grand County residents receiving fraudulent calls from individuals pretending to call on behalf of the sheriff’s office, according to a news release from the agency.
The callers will use the names of legitimate deputies and will generate fake bench warrants with the names of local officials, according to the release. The fake bench warrant documents also carry official logos of the sheriff’s office.
Law enforcement agencies, including the Grand County Sheriff’s Office, will never contact residents through phone or any other electronic communication means and ask people to make a financial payment, sheriff’s office officials state.
The sheriff’s office stated that victims should not provide any personal information to callers and should contact local law enforcement immediately. Anyone who suspects that they’ve received a fraudulent call should call the sheriff’s office at the nonemergency dispatch number: 970-725-3311.

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