Guest column | Hot Sulphur Springs trustee candidate Richard Gott

Richard Gott
Hot Sulphur Springs trustee candidate

Hello, my name is Richard Gott and I am a Hot Sulphur Springs Board of Trustees member running for reelection. I have lived in this town since 1989, raised my family here and plan on being here for many years to come.

I enjoy the community spirit of Hot Sulphur Springs — Hot Sulphur Springs Days, the pancake breakfasts at the fire station, town cleanup days and town yard sales. I think things like this are very important to a town, bringing everyone together with town activities. I would like to see more community activities and am willing to give my time to this town to make that happen in the future.

I would like to serve as one of your trustees because I care about the future of this town. I want to see this town grow responsibly to maintain the feeling of community and to make sure that the decisions made by board members are in the best interests of all the residents. Growth is inevitable, but with good leadership from your board of trustees, growth can be achieved in the right way without losing the feeling of community and neighbors helping neighbors.

I feel it is the responsibility of board members is to monitor the financial well-being of our town, to ensure money is spent wisely and in ways that are beneficial to everyone. 

In addition to the financial matters of our town, I would like to represent the residents and welcome any comments or suggestions that my neighbors may have.

Please consider voting for me as one of your trustees for the town. I will do my very best to represent every resident in our town and to make decisions that make our town the best little town in Grand County.

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