Letter to the editor: Response to Mr. Miller’s letter
Regarding Mr. Miller’s Constitution Week opinion: You can be assured no conservative in our county has ever suggested using violence to make a political point. This is how liberals spin a simple T-shirt logo.
Conservatives want to preserve the traditions that Grand County was founded upon. Hard work – not entitlement; rule of law – not lawlessness; preserving and protecting life – not killing the unborn up until the day of birth; respect our God-given gender – not brainwashing and mutilating our children; respect our borders – stop the fentanyl flow that is killing our families, allowing criminals and human trafficking.
In response to Mr. Miller, I think it best that you spend your energies on fixing the potholes on U.S. Highway 40, rather than spinning your diatribe towards people who love our county and the values our country was founded upon.
God Bless America,
Amy Tillotson
Granby resident

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