Nordic Corner: This weekend is chock-full of Nordic events

Diana Lynn Rau
Grand Nordic
A biathlon sprint race Saturday, Jan. 11, and a pursuit race Sunday, Jan. 12, take place at Snow Mountain Ranch.
Grand Nordic/Courtesy photo

The snow keeps coming, conditions are great in most areas, grooming is at full tilt, and the weekend ahead is full of events. Now is a great time to be outside!

Classic skiing is typically better in the cold mornings because of the way wax grips, and skate skiing is often better in the warmer temperatures of the afternoon because you are just pushing your edge against the snow for propulsion.

Grand Nordic has assembled a team to provide the Nordic grooming report on KFFR daily at 7:55 a.m. with a report presented by a different area each day. Ask your favorite DJ to play the report whenever you want to hear it, and let us know what you think.

Kids ski free

Starting Friday, Jan. 10, kids ages 5-10 can get a free ski lesson, including equipment and a trail pass, at Snow Mountain Ranch. The free lessons take place from 1-2:30 p.m. weekly on Fridays through February. Lesson options include:

  • Never-ever: Child has not been on skis before
  • Classic: Child has some skiing background, either Alpine or Nordic
  • Skate: Child has a hockey-type background or wants to try skate

Parents who help during the lessons will also receive equipment and a trail pass. Sign up at under the “Youth/School Programs” menu.

Nordic race series

The famous Snow Mountain Classic is a longtime tradition in the Fraser Valley. Things get started at 10 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 11, at Snow Mountain Ranch with 3K, 7.5K and 15K courses.

Come join the fun either as a racer (some call it recreational skiing with numbers while others are highly competitive), a volunteer or a spectator — just bring your bell and watch the fun! 

Kids 18 and younger can ski any course for $10, and adults are $60-$70 depending on the course length. Register in advance at to race or volunteer.


A sprint race Saturday, Jan. 11, and a pursuit race Sunday, Jan. 12, take place at Snow Mountain Ranch.  Only certified athletes can compete, but those who are interested in trying out the sport should attend a safety certification clinic and first-timers race next weekend.

Find more information at

Free lessons

Grand Nordic’s free lessons continue Sunday, Jan. 12, at Snow Mountain Ranch featuring instructors from Grand Nordic, Winter Park Competition Center, Colorado Nordic Masters, Summit Masters and Snow Mountain Ranch.

Classes are offered for classic and skate disciplines, and levels include beginner, intermediate and advanced. There also is a never-ever class for kids ages 5-10 in both classic and skate. Morning classes start at 10 a.m., and afternoon classes start at 1 p.m. The morning classes are filling up fast, but there is still good availability in the afternoon classes.

Grand Nordic members receive a free trail pass and equipment, if needed. For more information, call 970-887-0547 or sign up at

Moonlight ski

Pole Creek Golf Course is holding its next moonlight ski Saturday, Jan. 11, when you can ski with your dog.

Diana Lynn Rau is the president of Grand Nordic. She writes the Nordic Corner column weekly during winter. You can contact her at

Diana Lynn Rau
Courtesy photo

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