Trio from Flying Heels earn chance to compete in world’s largest junior high rodeo

Sky-Hi News staff report
From left, Foster Krempin, Rudy Mendiola, Jr. and Stran Leachman have qualified to compete in the National Junior High Finals Rodeo, which features more than 1,000 competitors from across the country and world.
Courtesy Granby Rodeo

The Granby Rodeo at Flying Heels Arena will be well represented by a trio of High Country locals during the 16th annual National Junior High Finals Rodeo on June 20-26 in Des Moines, Iowa.

Foster Krempin will be competing in tie down roping and chute dogging. Rudy Mendiola, Jr. will be in team roping on the heeling side, and Stran Lechman will be in the breakaway roping event.

The three boys traveled the state in the fall and spring to qualify during the state finals at the end of May in Craig.

Now, they have punched their tickets to compete in the world’s largest junior high rodeo, featuring roughly 1,200 contestants from 44 states, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Mexico.

In addition to competing for more than $80,000 in prizes, NJHFR contestants will also be vying for more than $200,000 in scholarships and the title of National Junior High Finals Rodeo World Champion.

Foster is the son of Tish and Tony Krempin of Granby. Stran is the son of Sami and Shawn Lechman of Kremmling, and Rudy, Jr. is the son of Ana and Rudy Mendiola of Silverthorne.

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