Winter Park Trading Company sells used sporting equipment

Sky-Hi News staff
Winter Park, CO Coloraod

WINTER PARK – A new sports consignment shop has opened in Winter Park. Winter Park Trading Company Inc. opened on Oct. 31. Pete Mintle is the owner. Originally from Evergreen, Mintle got the idea while visiting the area and thought it might just be the perfect timing for his business.

They way it works

Bring into the store any sporting equipment valued under $500, and he splits a 50-50 commission. As the value goes up, the commission becomes 85-15.

Mintle will be tracking all inventory on a POS system. Every item is assigned a bar code and every seller is assigned a vendor code. The software can compile reports of total amount sold and money owed.

His store is located in the former Coldwell Banker building on US Highway 40 .

Siince opening day, residents have been bringing in all kinds of sporting equipment: skis, snowboards, hockey equipment, ice skates, bicycles, golf clubs, baseball gloves, baby joggers, swim goggles, kayaks, rafts, and camping equipment. Eventually he will start selling higher-end products over $3,000 and market them on his website. As for now, “In order for the company to thrive, I need more gear to sell.” he said.

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