One person missing after early morning fire guts Winter Park condo building

Update 3:30 p.m. April 15: Fire investigators brought in a crane on Wednesday to help stabilize the building and continue their investigation.

One person remains unaccounted for after a fire at a condominium complex in Winter Park left the building badly damaged and closed surrounding roads early Monday morning.

Around 3 a.m. Monday, East Grand Fire and Grand Fire responded to a fire at Braidwood Condominiums on Lions Gate Drive. According to authorities, the blaze started on the second floor and flames were visible upon their arrival. The fire quickly spread to the top floor and engulfed the building.

One woman escaped the fire unharmed, and a Fraser Winter Park police officer rescued a dog from another unit. It’s unclear where the dog’s owner is at this time, and one person remains unaccounted for, firefighters said at the scene. Authorities do no believe any other units were occupied.

The complex houses 12 condos on multiple stories above parking on the first level. According to East Grand Fire Chief Todd Holzwarth, the complex was built in the 1980s and didn’t have modern fire suppression systems to keep the flames from spreading.

The fire is currently under control. Crews are continuing suppression efforts and have closed Lions Gate Drive from Miller Road to Trestle Drive. The route is expected to remain closed while fire crews assess the damage.

The investigation into the cause of the fire is ongoing and will likely take several days to complete. The blaze structurally compromised the building, so entry won’t be allowed until it is safe.

There was some water damage to a couple apartments behind the Winter Park Pub about two blocks away from the blaze. It appears that water ran downhill from the burned building and flowed into the apartments. A man at the pub said Monday that it didn’t suffer any water damage.

The Grand County Sheriff’s Office, Grand County EMS, Grand County Office of Emergency Management, Grand Lake Fire and Hot Sulphur Springs Fire also responded to the fire.

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