In the spotlight: Bolen’s Cleaning and Maintenance – Best Cleaning Service

Bob Bolen, owner of Bolen’s Cleaning and Maintenance Serivices, and his team have been keeping Grand County homes clean for more than 25 years.
Eli Pace /

When a small business serves Grand County for 25 years, it’s no wonder the community votes them the best cleaning service in the county. 

Bob Bolen started Bolen’s Cleaning and Maintenance Services in 1995. The business initially only worked on carpets and upholstery, but Bolen soon noticed a real need in the area for window cleaning. 

That in turn brought about other sorts of cleaning services thanks to their tall ladders. Along with carpets and windows, the company cleans anything from tiles to ceiling fans. 

“Over the eras, it’s just grown,” Bolen said. “Because of really good employees, it’s been a great business.” 

April through November is when most of the cleaning gets done, so during that time Bolen has eight employees on his staff. He said that those workers tend to return season after season. 

He highlighted longtime employees Aaron Green, who has been with the company for 15 years, and John Wilkes, who’s been there for 10, as part of Bolen’s success. He added that they set the tone for success along with all the employees under them. 

“I give credit to the employees,” Bolen said of his company’s accomplishments. “They’re a great bunch of people.” 

Bolen was enthusiastic and appreciative of the recognition as one of the Best of Grand. Along with his employees, he is grateful to the customers he’s gotten to know over the years. 

“It’s a great honor to be recognized,” he said. “Customers in the community are the ones that vote on this. It’s very special.”

Bob Bolen and his team

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