Federal officials confirm death of 1 of Colorado’s reintroduced wolves in Larimer County

Federal officials have confirmed the death of one of the wolves released in Colorado as part of the state’s voter-approved reintroduction efforts. 

“Initial evidence suggests that this wolf likely died of natural causes,” said Joe Szuszwalak, a spokesperson for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

The wolf carcass, found in Larimer County, was reported to the agency on April 18. The agency is conducting an autopsy to confirm the cause of death. The agency didn’t provide any additional details about the incident. 

Colorado Parks and Wildlife released 10 gray wolves on Colorado’s Western Slope in December and January as part of the state’s voter-approved reintroduction efforts.

In recent weeks, wolves have killed several calves in the region. The depredation has heightened fears for ranchers, many of whom opposed the wolf reintroduction because of concerns it would damage their income and way of life.

This is a developing story that will be updated.

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