Reader photos: Winter Park family visits sister town of Khumjung, Nepal

The Sommerauer family of Winter Park visited Winter Park’s sister town of Khumjung, Nepal, and the Doree family in November 2023. These photos were taken on the fourth day of the Three Pass Trek in the Sagarmatha National Park in Nepal. The Three Pass Trek is a 23-day hike.
Robin Sommerauer/Courtesy photo
Front row left to right: Friend of Tashi Dorjee, Robin Sommerauer, Karma Dorjee, Tashi Dorjee, Nicole Hillek, Martin Hillek and Mel Oconnel. Back row left to right, Patrizia Sommerauer, Craig Gaskill.
Robin Sommerauer/Courtesy photo
Khumjung’s elevation sits at 12,434 feet and is about an hour hike above Namche Bazaar. It is surrounded by views of some of the world’s highest peaks, including Mount Everest, Ama Dablam and Thamserku. The group also hiked up Kala Patthar, 18,1920 feet in elevation, where one has the best viewing point of Mount Everest and other towering 8000 meter peaks, and hiked up to Everest Base Camp.
Robin Sommerauer/Courtesy photo
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