Affordable housing project for creatives in Grand Lake receives $4 million grant

A rendering of the Grand Lake Space to Create housing project.
Artspace/Courtesy image

Grand Lake’s Space to Create project received a $4 million grant through the Strong Communities Grant Program. The Department of Local Affairs awarded 16 housing projects across the state, including the town of Fraser’s Victoria Village workforce housing project, a total of $35 million in grants

The housing project in Grand Lake is expected to provide 18 rentals, as well as commercial and community space on the first floor. One of the main goals for this project is to stabilize the year-round economy in Grand Lake while also retaining a year-round creative community.

The town is one of 30 designated Creative Districts in the state. The Colorado Creative Districts program recognizes communities that contribute to the state’s economy through creativity, culture and the arts. Because of this unique designation, the town qualifies for other special projects and designations, such as the Space to Create Colorado affordable housing project.

“Grand County Economic Development has been a partner since the beginning of the Space To Create award through support of Grand Lake Creative District.  We continue to work through the process of turning the Space to Create live work housing into a reality for Grand Lake and Grand County,” Grand County Economic Development Coordinator DiAnn Butler said.

Grand Lake Town Manager John Crone said that he is hopeful that the town will break ground on the project this year. The housing project is estimated to cost a total of $12 million, but this grant, along with other grants the town has received, will enable the town to begin construction.

More information on the housing project is available on the town’s website.

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