East Grand hires new superintendent

A former Garfield superintendent is headed to East Grand School District to take the chief role starting in July.

On Tuesday, the East Grand School Board approved a contract with Brad Ray to take over as superintendent from Frank Reeves, who is stepping down this year after six years in the job.

Reeves praised Ray as a well-respected educator and said he agrees with the board’s choice.

“I’ve known Brad for a long time and … he’s a Western Colorado guy,” Reeves said. “I’m happy that he rose to the top.”

Over the phone on Wednesday, board president Ed Raegner said the superintendent search was competitive and he was happy with the quality of candidates the board had to choose from. Raegner said he ultimately thinks Ray was the best choice.

“I’m really excited to work with Brad and I think he’ll be a great fit for the community and the schools,” he said. “He’s got a great background in education and administration.”

Ray has been superintendent of Garfield County School District 16 for four years, after a year as the assistant superintendent at District 16, along with prior assistant superintendent experience at Garfield Re-2 and Roaring Fork Schools. Garfield County District 16 serves the Parachute and Battlement Mesa area with about 6,500 students.

According to reporting by the Post Independent, Ray tendered his resignation with the district in November, effective June 30, citing in part the demands of the job.

Ray told the Sky-Hi News he was drawn to the beauty of the Grand County area and the successful school district.

“I’m really looking forward to (the new job),” Ray said. “In the interview process, I got to see the wonderful work the school district is doing and actually getting to watch what the kids were engaged in was phenomenal.”

Ray will take over as superintendent on July 1.

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