GCHA unveils painting to be raffled off in support of history

Courtesy Karen Vance and GCHA
With continued support from renowned artist Karen Vance, the Grand County Historical Association has unveiled her newest masterpiece, “The Trestle at Rollins Pass,” to be raffled off for a historical association fundraiser.
According to the association, the work was created from Vance’s first experience with the Rollins Pass trestle, when she won a Jeep tour for two with then-GCHA president Bob Temple and his wife Jeanine at a previous GCHA auction.
“We rounded the bend near the West portal of the railroad tunnel, and looked up to the trestle, in silhouette against the blue Colorado sky,” Vance recalled. “Bob narrated the story of the railroad, the engineering, construction and perils of the weather and terrain the workers faced.
“It was an awesome experience to listen to its history while viewing the magnificence of this manmade vision and architecture linking the east and west of the Continental Divide, and bringing the American West into the 20th century. This initial awe was what I wanted to capture in this painting.”
Using her memories, sketches and Travis Wright’s photography, Vance painted her experience and her “heart-felt love of this area of Colorado,” where she has lived and painted for 35 years.
Raffle tickets are $25 each or five for $100. People may purchase 30 tickets for $500 and receive an autographed copy of “Images of America: Rollins Pass.” Tickets are available at Cozens Ranch Museum in Fraser, Pioneer Village Museum in Hot Sulphur Springs and Heritage Park Museum in Kremmling.

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