Local snowboarder podiums at USASA Nationals at Copper Mountain

Keller Hydle of Granby soared into third place in the halfpipe competition at the USASA Nationals on April 2.
Jeremy Hydle/Courtesy Photo

Granby snowboarder Keller Hydle is going places.

The 15-year-old podiumed at the USASA Nationals in Copper Mountain on April 2. Keller earned third place in halfpipe, for the Rocky Mountain Series. During the event he soared through the pipe while competing against 14 other snowboarders in his age category.

“Keller is on a path that has taken many years of full time, year-round dedication to get to,” said Keller’s father, Jeremy Hydle. “He’s had a pretty big pivot this year as he’s started competing is some heavy events, and doing well.”

Keller is a full-time halfpipe snowboarder. He trains primarily at Copper Mountain, home of the Woodward camp, which offers snowboarding training all year.

Jeremy said that Keller is often in the top 3 in snowboarding competitions. During the 2023-24 season, he competed in the Nor-Am Cup at Aspen Snowmass, as well as a halfpipe competition in Park City, Utah on Feb. 13.

“His trajectory is to the top. Could be X-Games or quite possibly an Olympic level,” Jeremy said. “He’s going places most dream of. I’d like Grand County to see what we see and get behind him. He’s the hardest-working kid I know.”  

In addition to snowboarding at Winter Park Resort and around the country, Keller also works at Destination Granby’s information center during the summer, welcoming visitors to Grand County.

Keller Hydle (right) podiumed, after competing against 14 snowboarders ages 15-16 years old.
USASA National Championships/Courtesy Photo
The Granby native trains at Copper Mountain and spends lots of time snowboarding at Winter Park Resort.
USASA National Championships/Courtesy Photo
Keller Hydle gets ready to head down the halfpipe.
USASA National Championships/Courtesy Photo
Keller’s family and friends cheer him on each event. He has been snowboarding since he was young.
Jeremy Hydle/Courtesy Photo
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