Obituary: Barbara (Bobbe) Jean Ahrens

October 15, 1942 – September 13, 2023

Barbara (Bobbe) Jean Ahrens was born in Deadwood, South Dakota on October 15, 1942. She was raised by her parents, Bill and Leona Jensen in Cheyenne, WY where she competed in barrel racing. She is said to have been able to light a cigarette while riding bare back at full gallop. After completing a degree in English, she moved to Denver where she raised her two sons (Ashley and Greg Ahrens) and fostered their love of the arts. They spent many fun summers at her parents’ ranch near Wilson, WY where they learned to fish and develop a love of nature. She later earned a Master’s in Public Administration.
Barbara married Raymond Hauschel in 1986. Later, when she retired from Denver Public Schools in 1995 after a successful career as a teacher and administrator for DPS, she and Ray moved to Grand Lake, CO where they built their dream house and dream life. Together they enjoyed road trips, dog shows, sporting events, and the community of Grand Lake. She often rode along on the cart during Ray’s many golf outings. She said, “Loving Ray was the easiest thing I’ve done.”
Barbara was proud of her sons and loved her only grandchild, Bridger Ashley Keane. She enjoyed lively discussions about the Nuggets and Broncos with Bridger; she greatly benefitted from his tech support. Despite her many physical challenges, Barbara continued to live on her own after Ray’s passing in October 2020 with the constant support of her son, Ashley, and the Grand Lake and greater Grand County community.
Barbara was a generous supporter of the arts and an active community member both in Denver and Grand Lake. She was an expert Bridge player, an avid reader, loved Shakespeare and mystery novels, opera and Willie Nelson, served on the Grand Lake Arts Council, directed the melodrama for 20 years, served on the school board, performed the duties of an election judge, and contributed to many local and regional non-profits including the AIDS Project in Denver and Mountain Family Center in Granby. Barbara was a supporter of the LGBTQ+ community. She was a force.
Barbara died peacefully on September 13th, 2023 while surrounded by her son, Ashley, grandson, Bridger, and daughter-in-law, Ellen. She is also survived by her loyal dog, Osito. She was preceded in death by her son, Greg, parents, Bill and Leona Jensen, and the love of her life, Ray Hauschel.
In lieu of flowers please consider a donation to Mountain Family Center.

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