In the schools: Students study Constitution, farming, ecosystems

Great happenings this week in East Grand Schools.

Two remote learners at work!  Serafin (Andy) and Alina are working at home through their on-line classes.  Good Job Andy and Alina!
Courtesy EGSD

• Here is a message from parent Lindsie Sandifer: My two youngest children are doing remote learning with Zane in kindergarten and Sophia in first grade. They are enjoying doing remote learning and participating in keeping our family and others safe. We made our downstairs living area a schoolroom for them to have as much of a classroom type of environment for learning. They helped build and paint their own learning spaces. So this is a small glimpse of how our family is working at remote learning.


• Christina Senac’s first grade class at FVE is loving having library time in the classroom. The book bus has been a wonderful addition to our school! So thankful for our new librarian, Mrs. V, for her creativity!

Christina Senac’s 1st Grade class at Fraser Valley Elementary with librarian Mrs. V.
Courtesy EGSD

• In eighth grade social studies, we are finishing our month long study of the founding of the Constitution. We will study the issues in the Colorado Blue Book for our ballot this year, as well as other aspects of voting and the upcoming election. Then we will follow up with a law unit, focusing on criminal, civil, and constitutional law.

• A few of our middle school paraprofessionals took some of our EGMS sixth-graders to go on a walking field trip to a local farm last week.

Courtesy EGSD
Courtesy EGSD

• At FVE, Mrs. Manyak’s third grade class has been learning about ecosystems. This week they read an article about producers, consumers, and decomposers. They even started a worm compost in the classroom. Everyone is excited to share their apple cores and banana peels with the worms!

• MPHS sophomore Aly Barker spoke to the Board of Colorado Succeeds about her experience with the Homegrown Talent Initiative. The directors were very impressed with Aly and her ability to speak to an audience of adults on Zoom. We are proud to have students represent our school, district and community so well.

Aly Barker on Zoom. Courtesy EGSD

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