Xfinity users in Grand County experiencing outage due to network damage

Xfinity experienced a county-wide outage on that started early on Saturday, Feb. 3 and lasted until approximately 4 a.m. on Sunday, Feb. 4.
Emily Gutierrez/Sky-Hi News

Update: Service is expected to return Sunday, Feb. 4 at 12 a.m.

Update: An announcement by Xfinity at 4:14 p.m. states that the new estimated time of restoration is now 8 p.m.

Grand County residents who depend on Xfinity as their internet provider might have noticed that their internet stopped working early Saturday morning.

Xfinity has confirmed that areas of Grand County are experiencing internet interruptions. Individuals who are signed up to receive text updates from the internet provider may have received a message notifying them of the outage. Others may have simply noticed that their internet wasn’t working correctly.

An alert on Xfinity’s website says that Channel(s), Legacy TV, Internet, On Demand are all experiencing an outage.

The outage’s cause is network damage. According to Xfinity, once the damaged area is determined safe to work in, technicians will begin work to make necessary repairs and restore services. However, due to current weather conditions repairs may take some time.

An update posted at 2:44 p.m. today says that repairs are in progress and the estimated time of restoration is now 4:30 p.m.

Xfinity’s outage map has the most up-to-date information regarding the outage. It includes information on the outage cause and estimated time of restoration.

According to a post on Facebook by the Town of Kremmling, the Granby “hub” is down. This service feeds the towns of Granby, Grand Lake, Hot Sulphur Springs, Kremmling, Tabernash and Winter Park.

The post also writes that “20,000 residential subscribers, 18 fiber business customers, and five cell towers are offline,” and to “expect intermittent outages through the day.”

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