Community partnerships gives East Grand athletes a place to practice amid construction

Mountain States Snowcats donated time and equipment to remove snow off the field for East Grand students to practice and play on.
East Grand School District/Courtesy photo

East Grand School District’s athletic fields are currently more akin to large piles of dirt, due to ongoing field improvements. The construction is slated to be completed before next fall, and students will be able to enjoy a new turf field. However, the construction overlaps with spring sports including lacrosse, girls soccer and track and field.

Thanks to a series of partnerships, student athletes still have a place to practice outside this season.

In a press release from the school district, it writes that the Fraser Valley Recreation Center offered field space for athletes. Only the space was still covered in snow.

Mountain States Snowcats donated time and equipment to remove the snow.

“High school sports are a beloved tradition, fostering school spirit and showcasing the talents of our young athletes. But these exciting events require a stage, and for many schools, that stage is the athletic field,” the release from the district stated.

The school district expressed a deep sense of gratitude for the community partnership.

“Local businesses demonstrate their commitment to the well-being of our students, while the school showcases the importance of supporting local businesses. It’s a win-win for everyone involved,” the release stated.

The district thanked the following individuals and organizations:

  • Jeremy Straley, owner of Mountain States Snowcats
  • Scott Ledin, Austin DeGarmo and the rest of the staff at the Fraser Valley Metro Recreation District
  • Hans Haberkorn, facilities director at East Grand School District
  • All East Grand athletes, families, coaches and administrators for their understanding
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