Obituary: George Zaboji

George Zaboji
George Zaboji
Provided Photo

August 17, 1938 – November 16, 2022

George Zaboji, formerly of Grand Lake and Golden, Colo., passed away peacefully at the Lutheran Hospice in Wheat Ridge, Colo. on November 16, 2022, at the age of 84 years.
George was born in August 1938 in Budapest, Hungary. He spent his childhood in Hungary and Germany, with his family moving to the US in the early 1950s.
In his early years, he served in the US Air Force as an electronics technician, then later learned to fly in Air Force flying clubs. He continued his flying career with several diversified flying jobs which led to a DC-3 co-pilot position for Ozark Airlines. He would then spend the remainder of his career on the Fairchild and retired as an MD-80 captain with TWA.
George was a lover of the outdoors, wilderness and water conservancy, and challenging river rafting trips. He spent many summers in the Grand Lake area, near the western gateway to Rocky Mountain National Park. He loved to photograph its majestic beauty and diverse native wildlife.
George was a much beloved brother, uncle, and friend. He is survived by his nephews, Steven and Christopher Zaboji, and his niece, Cameron (Zaboji) Zdancewicz. He was preceded in death by his parents Dr. George Zaboji and Magdalene Zaboji, and his brother Steven Zaboji.
In lieu of flowers, the family welcomes memorial contributions in George’s name to Save the Colorado, P.O. Box 1066, Fort Collins, CO 80522.
A celebration of George’s life in the air and mountains will be held in Colorado this spring.

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